Is your library dealing with the challenges at hand?
Transformations with the Internet and social media, mobile technology, online publishing, data analytics, search, and cloud computing have brought new challenges to libraries. Global rankings are influencing how academic libraries need to demonstrate service value and impact as part of a larger innovation infrastructure to attract the excellent scholars and students of tomorrow.
In the face of this, there are many challenges facing the academic library of today:
- Making sure researchers are getting the most out of your library services and the expertise of your staff
- Responding to the changing learning, teaching and research processes by providing excellent up-to-date services and thereby
- Playing a greater part in attracting top scholars and students to your institution
- Collaborating cross-institutionally to provide high-quality services cost-effectively.
- Grasping the needs of users and stakeholders who are today more physically detached from the library
- Responding to and embracing new technologies which are game-changers in the way academics and students access information today
- Taking on more of a knowledge facilitator role
- Preparing and motivating library staff for changing roles, and
- Up-skilling library staff to deal with new approaches and service challenges.
- Delivering projects on time, to budget and of the quality you and your users expect
The library must be an asset to your institution. Proud2Know services and products can help you face these challenges.